Solve it! is a website that contains solvers for common games like Sudoku, Nonogram, Crosswords and more!
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Solves any valid 4x4 sudoku!!
Solves any valid 6x6 sudoku!!
Solves any valid 8x8 sudoku!!
Solves any valid 9x9 sudoku!!
Solves Jumbled Word!!
It find the equation to get the target from given digits
It helps to solve 8 puzzle!
It helps to solve tower of hanoi!
It helps to place queens such that no two queens threaten each other.
Sorting made simple !
Play 4x4 sudoku!!
Play 6x6 sudoku!!
Play 8x8 sudoku!!
Play 9x9 sudoku!!
Remember the sequence in which keys are played!
Play Checkers with your friend
Lets PLAY!!! Try to solve 8 puzzle!
Play Connect 4 with your friends
Play Bingo !! with your friends
Lets PLAY!!!
Can you guess the right answer ?
Can You Defeat The Cpu ?
Play Crosswords & test your knowledge
Merge numbers to get 2048
Play the Exciting Snake Game !
Play the Exciting Tetris Game !
Can You guess the Word? ?
Can You win the game? ?
Can you beat me ?
Can You solve it?
What's you IQ ?
Play it !